11 December, 15:05 - 15:45 HKT

Use of AI to Improve Students’ English Writing Capabilities

21st Century Classroom


In the process of learning English, students require personalised, immediate, and detailed feedback on their performance in reading comprehension and writing skills to optimise their learning progress. Providing such detailed feedback traditionally demands substantial teaching resources. To solve this problem, generative AI is employed to develop an auto-scoring system that supports students in this school without the need of pre-marked training materials in reading and writing. It provides accurate real-time score estimations for DSE-level papers, including handwritten ones. Besides scoring, it offers extensive feedback and sample articles tailored to the student’s content.

Additionally, DSE speaking exam practice can be conducted with AI-simulated students available at various levels, allowing real-time group practice sessions from anywhere, thus simplifying and enhancing preparation. The speakers will share insights from applying AI technology in their school to enhance the English learning experience for students and teachers. Teachers will discuss their teaching experiences with the AI platform and provide feedback on optimising its use. The speaker will highlight the benefits of this new teaching approach and discuss strategies for effective implementation. 

Participants of this open lesson will understand:
1. how generative AI can enhance their productivity and provide additional teaching support to their students; and
2. AI functions as both a professional teaching assistant and a tutor, offering extensive support to students while freeing up teacher resources for individualised attention.
