12 December, 12:30 - 13:00 HKT

Growth Mindset and Grit: a Journey of the Intellectual and Kinesthetic Stimulation

Well-being & Inclusive Learning Theatre


Character building and values education are, traditionally considered as hidden curriculum. However, it could be explicitly integrated into formal curriculum and student programmes. As Dweck’s Growth mindset (2016), Duckworth’s GRIT (2017) and Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow (1990) have provided educators with both insights and practical tips of designing relevant learning experiences, it is the school’s craftmanship to apply into the local and school context.

On one hand, growth mindset and relevant character building can be integrated into formal curriculum. For instance, it is the third consecutive year that ‘the Hong Kong 4 Corners’, has been embedded into Secondary 4 Biology Class. The students hiked to the remote sites for water quality investigation and environmental impact analysis, leading to mega analysis of ecology. The sweat and intellectual challenge have enabled students to develop grit in problem-solving in addition to environmental consciousness. On the other hand, whole-school programme such as Mental Health Awareness Day (replacing regular lessons) and pull-out personal development programmes have been introduced. A range of examples of the later ones would be shared, such as ‘Hong Kong 4 Poles’ and ‘MacLehose Trail 100km 7-day Challenge’ in both primary and secondary schools, and ‘From Uni to Summits’ and satellite production in secondary.

The participants of this seminar would understand how growth mindset and character building could be integrated into the formal curriculum through the authentic combination of intellectual and physical stimulation so as to stretch the students’ zone of proximal development. Similar approach could also be adopted in pull-out student programme and even whole-school activities. Planning and debriefing of those programmes are crucial. Concerning the planning, in addition to the specific learning objectives, the programme must be interesting, engaging and challenging. The articulation of programme would be explained. Concerning debriefing, a 3Cs debriefing process (courage, commit, convert) would be illustrated. The debriefing should include students’ courage to take up the challenge, students’ commitment in the process, and more importantly, with their encapsulation of learning, they should transfer their reflection to their learning and personal growth. 

Participants of this seminar will understand:
1. the possibilities of fostering growth mindset and character building in both regular curriculum and enrichment programmes;
2. the guiding principles of the planning of those curricular activities and programmes; and
3. the debriefing amongst students to deepen students’ learning and transfer to learning and personal development
