12 December, 12:40 - 13:20 HKT

China Daily Presents: Transforming Language Learning through AI

Main Stage


In the rapidly evolving landscape of language education, the integration of AI is reshaping how learners interact with content and receive feedback. This panel discussion will delve into the transformative impact of AI on language learning.

The session will explore the influence of AI on English Language Teaching, supported by relevant research in the field. Furthermore, an innovative AI-powered vocabulary learning system will be presented, showcasing how multimodal feedback—including audio and images—can enhance understanding and engagement among young learners. The session will also highlight the potential of Generative AI to provide personalised language learning experiences, fostering critical thinking on social issues.

These insights will collectively illustrate how AI can facilitate a more dynamic, interactive, and socially relevant language learning experience, while addressing future research directions and applications of these technologies in education.
