11 December, 13:30 - 14:00 HKT

Establishing a Multi-dimensional STEM 4.0 Ecological System



This school has established the STEM education centre, and integrated nine subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Information Technology, Arts, Music, Physical Education) and established a curriculum driven by project with the instruction given in the national curriculum standard and with the basis of regular curriculum. The ‘STEM 3x3’ curriculum includes a closed loop of ‘3 innovation creates 3 subjects’, ‘3 subjects empowers three forces’, and ‘3 forces drives 3 innovation’. The school develops courses in categories, including fundamental, expansional, developmental, to enhance students’ innovation, teachers’ professionalism, and the education power of the school.

To expand the STEM curriculum to the community so as to break the conventional learning mode, enable an open innovative mindset and learn STEM in real contexts, the school has organised visits to universities, research centres, observation stations, science and technology centres, community, libraries, hi-tech enterprises. The school hopes to re-create the learning space of students and drive the thinking and innovation of students in a nested manner.

In this seminar, the speaker will share the ‘multi-dimensional STEM 4.0 ecological system’. The system centres around deep learning and comprises of four dimensions – ‘strong motivation’, ‘deep thinking’, ‘complete information’, ‘super subjects’. The four dimensions are linked closely to nine cycles – teamwork, locating real contexts, design evaluation, writing project theme, commencement, intermediary, changing, concluding, summary. The four dimensions with the nine cycles enable project-based learning mode.

The speaker will also share how the school establish more than 60 cross-disciplinary courses on astronomy, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, engineering, etc.
