12 December, 11:25 - 12:05 HKT

Using Generative AI to Enhance Students' Higher-order Thinking Skills: A Case Study on Teaching Hong Kong History and Animal Topics

21st Century Classroom


The speaker uses the examples of teaching Hong Kong history and animal topics, sharing how to combine generative AI and higher-order thinking skills to enhance students' ability to think from multiple perspectives.

In this seminar, the speaker utilises generative AI to enhance teaching effectiveness by transforming certain topics that are distant from students' life experiences or more data-oriented into visualised images, motivating students and enabling them to grasp the learning content more effectively. Further, encourage students to transform their acquired knowledge and create unique content, fostering creativity.

The teacher demonstrates and explains relevant concepts and highlights, while guest participants actively engage in the experience synchronously as students.

Participants of this open lesson will:
1. explore the application of different software to showcase teaching highlights and students' work. 
2. embrace progress and integrate generative AI into classroom teaching, while guiding students to use generative AI with the correct attitude and approach;
3. explore how to combine generative AI with different higher-order thinking skills, such as feature enumeration, comparison of similarities and differences, to enhance students' learning motivation and higher-order thinking abilities;
4. facilitate students in constructing knowledge through higher-order thinking skills and utilising their existing knowledge to create unique content. Encourage them to reflect on the accuracy and shortcomings of their creative work, in order to further clarify any misconceptions they may have regarding their existing knowledge;
5. design a meaningful, student-led electronic teaching interactive classroom; and
6. utilise generative AI in subjects that are distant from students' life experiences or more abstract to enhance students' learning interest and effectiveness.
