12 December, 16:15 - 16:45 HKT

The Application and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Chinese Essay Writing Teaching

AI in Education Theatre


This study examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching Chinese argumentative essay writing, using a Chinese class in a secondary school as a case study. It proposes a shift from the traditional 'students write, teachers correct and comment' model, instead advocating for the use of AI and other e-learning tools. This approach allows students to master various argumentative techniques through consistent writing practice. The study will also compare students' essays before and after using AI to assess its effectiveness in writing instruction. Additionally, it will explore the challenges and recommendations for this blended teaching method through surveys and interviews. 

This teaching approach employs AI and the 'speak to write' strategy to bolster students' argumentative writing skills. Through interactions with AI, group debates, and AI-assisted peer assessments, students' confidence in writing, self-learning capabilities, and writing efficiency have all seen improvements. There has been notable progress in the structure and fluency of students' argumentative essays. However, further emphasis is needed on the depth of content, the accuracy of AI scoring, and issues related to AI and academic integrity. 

Participants of this seminar will:
1. learn how to use AI in argumentative essay writing instruction to boost students' interest and writing abilities;
2. gain knowledge on designing various activities, such as AI dialogues, group debates, and peer assessments. These activities aim to shift students' attitudes towards writing and enhance their writing skills; and
3. get insights into the existing challenges and recommendations related to the use of AI in argumentative essay writing instruction.

