11 December, 14:10 - 14:50 HKT

Interactive Teaching with ViSymulation to study Eye Problems : Do you See What They See?

21st Century Classroom


The speaker used the ViSymulation mobile application to assist the teaching of a group of Secondary five students studying Biology about seven important eye-related diseases (AMD, Cataract, Glaucoma, Colour blindness, Retinal detachment, Retinitis pigmentosa and Diabetic retinopathy) in a vivid and an interactive way.

Through this lesson study, Values Education was also promoted as students were nurturing with ‘Empathy’ which is one of the twelve priority values and attitudes suggested by EDB.

This lesson study provided a chance of STEM Education using innovative technology (ViSymulation mobile application with VR goggles) to support and enhance learning. 

Outline of this open lesson:
1. Presenting a Padlet showing the work of students such as their concept maps and ppts;
2. Students' work during lessons such as note-taking forms and peer assessment forms for presentation;
3. Students will share their understanding on the eye problems and show care and support for these patients. Some may have storytelling and role play during their presentation; and
4. Sharing of how to carry out this lesson plan with concept maps, worksheets and guidelines for conducting this lesson with the support from another speaker
