11 December, 10:15 - 10:45 HKT

Achievements in Diverse Activities for Career Planning

Student Empowerment Theatre


Everyone is born with talent. This school continuously creates successful experiences for students, allowing them to realise the possibilities of their dreams and assisting them in career planning as they strive for their dreams. For example, this school provides different opportunities like public performances or competitions, providing students participating in various activities with platforms to showcase their achievements publicly. This not only increases their motivation to practice but also creates valuable successful experiences for them. Additionally, we establish scholarship programs with ‘goal’ as the theme, where students, along with teachers or peers, work towards self-defined goals, compete for scholarships, and achieve success. 

This school's students, despite having relatively less competitive academic performance and limited family support, have shown unwavering determination and clear goals, resulting in numerous achievements. In the 2023/24 academic year, this school’s STEAM team represented Hong Kong in competitions held in Shandong, South Korea, and Australia. The dance team represented Hong Kong in a competition held in the Czech Republic. A member of our breakdance group showcased their talent at the Guangxi National Youth Games. The first gold medal for Hong Kong for the Hangzhou Asian Games was won by one of the graduates from this school. These alumni have shown gratitude and actively contributed to the school and assisted in training younger students.

Participants of this seminar will understand:
1. how to help students achieve successful experiences; and
2. the importance of successful experiences in students' career planning
