11 December, 15:25 - 16:05 HKT

How to Equip Teachers to Integrate the Teaching Online and Offline?

Main Stage


After experiencing online teaching during COVID-19, online teaching has been accepted by mainstream schools and has become one of the options for instructional implementation. Therefore, learning the methods and skills for online teaching and blended teaching has become an essential capability for teachers in the digital age. This main stage presentation will share ways to enhance teachers' abilities in blended teaching from the following three aspects:
1. Clarifying the Characteristics of Blended Teaching: learning-centre instruction
Emphasising active learning and focusing on students' needs and engagement.
2. Properly Designing the Implementation of blended teaching: mutually benefit
Designing online and offline learning activities to ensure effective interaction and complementarity between the two.
3. Identifying Essential Skills for Blended Teaching: Changes in the Integration of Digital Technology
Discussing the digital technology skills that teachers should master during the teaching process and the changes of pedagogy with immerging digital technology.

